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Estimate a mission between orbits!

The Hohmann transfer orbit is a simple and energy efficient orbit that can be used to calculate some basic mission parameters.

Note: All values are estimates.

{{ }} Starting Degree {{ calcs.destinationStartingDegree }}°
{{ }} Ending Degree {{ calcs.originEndingDegree | addCommas }}°
Semi Major Axis {{ semiMajorAxis | addCommas }} km
{{ }} Orbit Velocity {{ startingOrbitVelocity | addCommas }} km/s
{{ }} Orbit Velocity {{ endingOrbitVelocity | addCommas }} km/s
Hohman Orbit Velocity {{ hohmannOrbitVelocity | addCommas }} km/s
Delta V1 {{ firstDeltaV | addCommas }} m/s
Delta V2 {{ secondDeltaV| addCommas }} m/s
Total Delta V {{ firstDeltaV + secondDeltaV | addCommas }} m/s
Travel Time {{ timeOfFlightDays | addCommas }} days

Day {{ currentDay }}